ADetailer is a extension for stable diffusion webui, similar to Detection Detailer, except it uses ultralytics instead of the mmdet.

Stable Diffusion web UI face and hand repair extension – ADetailer

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ADetailer is a extension for stable diffusion webui, similar to Detection Detailer, except it uses ultralytics instead of the mmdet.


(from Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet)

  1. Open “Extensions” tab.
  2. Open “Install from URL” tab in the tab.
  3. Enter to “URL for extension’s git repository”.
  4. Press “Install” button.
  5. Wait 5 seconds, and you will see the message “Installed into stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\adetailer. Use Installed tab to restart”.
  6. Go to “Installed” tab, click “Check for updates”, and then click “Apply and restart UI”. (The next time you can also use this method to update extensions.)
  7. Completely restart A1111 webui including your terminal. (If you do not know what is a “terminal”, you can reboot your computer: turn your computer off and turn it on again.)

You can now install it directly from the Extensions tab.

You DON’T need to download any model from huggingface.


Model, Prompts
ADetailer modelDetermine what to detect.None = disable
ADetailer prompt, negative promptPrompts and negative prompts to applyIf left blank, it will use the same as the input.
Skip img2imgSkip img2img. In practice, this works by changing the step count of img2img to 1.img2img only
Detection model confidence thresholdOnly objects with a detection model confidence above this threshold are used for inpainting.
Mask min/max ratioOnly use masks whose area is between those ratios for the area of the entire image.
Mask only the top k largestOnly use the k objects with the largest area of the bbox.0 to disable

If you want to exclude objects in the background, try setting the min ratio to around 0.01.

Mask Preprocessing
Mask x, y offsetMoves the mask horizontally and vertically by
Mask erosion (-) / dilation (+)Enlarge or reduce the detected mask.opencv example
Mask merge modeNone: Inpaint each mask
Merge: Merge all masks and inpaint
Merge and Invert: Merge all masks and Invert, then inpaint

Applied in this order: x, y offset → erosion/dilation → merge/invert.


Each option corresponds to a corresponding option on the inpaint tab. Therefore, please refer to the inpaint tab for usage details on how to use each option.

ControlNet Inpainting

You can use the ControlNet extension if you have ControlNet installed and ControlNet models.

Support inpaint, scribble, lineart, openpose, tile controlnet models. Once you choose a model, the preprocessor is set automatically. It works separately from the model set by the Controlnet extension.

Advanced Options

API request example: wiki/API

ui-config.json entries: wiki/ui-config.json

[SEP], [SKIP] tokens: wiki/Advanced



ModelTargetmAP 50mAP 50-95
face_yolov8n.pt2D / realistic face0.6600.366
face_yolov8s.pt2D / realistic face0.7130.404
hand_yolov8n.pt2D / realistic hand0.7670.505
person_yolov8n-seg.pt2D / realistic person0.782 (bbox)
0.761 (mask)
0.555 (bbox)
0.460 (mask)
person_yolov8s-seg.pt2D / realistic person0.824 (bbox)
0.809 (mask)
0.605 (bbox)
0.508 (mask)
mediapipe_face_fullrealistic face
mediapipe_face_shortrealistic face
mediapipe_face_meshrealistic face

The yolo models can be found on huggingface Bingsu/adetailer.

Additional Model

Put your ultralytics yolo model in webui/models/adetailer. The model name should end with .pt or .pth.

It must be a bbox detection or segment model and use all label.

How it works

ADetailer works in three simple steps.

  1. Create an image.
  2. Detect object with a detection model and create a mask image.
  3. Inpaint using the image from 1 and the mask from 2.

Project Address

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Thomas Wang
Thomas Wang
Articles: 10

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