
wallabag is a web application allowing you to save web pages for later reading. Click, save and read it when you want. It extracts content so that you won't be distracted by pop-ups and cie.

You can install it on your own server, or you can create an account on wallabag.it.

There are times when we find a great article in our browser, but we don't have time to read it right away, Wallabag can help you solve this dilemma!

Save the article, categorize it, and read it when you have time~!

Browser Plugin:Chrome / Firefox / Opera plugin for wallabag v2.

GitHub:wallabag/wallabag: wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages

DockerHub:wallabag/wallabag - Docker Image | Docker Hub


The documentation is available at https://doc.wallabag.org.

You can contribute to it through its dedicated repository, available here: https://github.com/wallabag/doc.


Please read the documentation to see the wallabag requirements.

Then you can install wallabag by executing the following commands: git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git cd wallabag && make install

git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
cd wallabag && make install

Now, configure a virtual host to use your wallabag.

Other methods

Refer to the installation documentation for other installation methods.


This project uses Weblate for translation.

Feel free to help us translating wallabag.


To learn more about developing wallabag, please refer to the contribution guide.

Content extraction relies on Graby, php-readability and ftr-site-config.


Copyright © 2013-current Nicolas Lœuillet [email protected]

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See the COPYING.md file for more details.

Disclaimer: All articles on this site, such as no special instructions or labeling, are the site's original release. Any individual or organization, without the consent of the site, prohibit copying, theft, collection, release of the site content to any website, books and other types of media platforms. If the content of this site violates the legal rights and interests of the original author, you can contact us to deal with.